Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Disaster Area

Amidst this rubble lies a kitchen in hiding.

Part 2 of renovations = kitchen installation. I am living through this and can't wait for it to be over. Ugh.

Everything in this truck is basically sitting in my living room now. It's not that big of a kitchen; it's all packaging. And I'm dorkily thinking of the massive carbon footprint this one little kitchen has already left behind.

It was pretty cool how they used the vertical lift to get it all upstairs through the window though. And that crane in the middle of the road was lifting the stone counter top. Fun muscle man action. :D

Soon soon... This mess too, shall pass.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. wha??? How did I miss part One? Or wait, was part one the new floors? What floor or you on Skippety? It looks high up there...Take heart, your boxes actually look organized and consolidated, and there is no sawdust (yet!!)

  2. Haha! Part one was the floor. I'm just so behind on my posts I haven't even updated on the hallway tiles yet! And the bedroom! (oh the curtain drama I've had!) I'm on the 2nd floor. Oh. But that means 3rd floor for you Americans (In Europe it goes ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor. Whereas USA goes 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor)... ;)

  3. The crane lift is SO COOL! Hang in there, your little space will be gorgeous in no time :)

  4. Wow, I can't wait to visit, ha ha ha!

  5. I clicked on a link to your site on some other blog and saw this post about moving. Looking at the picture of the street outside your place I recognized that you are living in the Netherlands, as am I! After looking at your 'about' page I was even more stunned to find out you actually live in the city I call my part-time home!

    I haven't read much else on your blog, but it all looks very interesting. I've recently discovered yoga, and am still without teacher/studio at the moment.

    Anyways good luck with the rest of the move!


  6. Thanks SA - guess what? The drama of yesterday was the false ceiling can't take the weight of the extractor hood. Oh and the kitchen dude ordered the wrong one with a different ventilating system (?!) So they've gotta order a different one, I've gotta get my builder back to attach the hood through to the ceiling beams and then the wall cabinets can be fixed after that... blahblahblah *SNORRRRRE* Anyways. The kitchen is up and running, just without a hood and wall cabinets. Oh, and the counter top against the wall too coz it's got odd angles so they've made a mould of it to measure it up properly. Again to be installed later *SNORRRRRRRRE* But it's up and running! (now to get some pots and pans before I can use it. HAHAHA!)

    Sonya - Yeah! Come baby come baby, baby come come!

    PhD - Hello! Welcome to Blogland! There are loads of yoga studios in the Dam, but if you're looking for ashtanga yoga taught in the traditional Pattabhi Jois way, there's only one and it's where I practice, here: astanga.nl Maybe we'll meet one day! :)


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